Monday, January 17, 2011

Pick it up!!!!!!!

  Okay,everybody listen up, there is litter everywhere so I have decided to pick it up! I know when you walk by trash you just leave it and then you feel bad, I know I do it sometimes too. When you walk by trash at school or in the park, and you think ew that is gross, I want to pick it up but it is gross. As you are walking to pick it up just think even though it is so disgusting think about how much of a difference  it will make!

 ~<3Little Miss Green<3~

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Water Bottles!

  Water bottles are the main pollution. There are ways to reuse them like putting dirt in side used ones and grown your own herbs, just refill it, if your cereal box breaks put your cereal in a big plastic bottle, or make it into a funnel by cutting off the top. There are many ways to reuse these water bottles you just have to start thinking.

Friday, January 14, 2011


You may think that this is bad but we have five giant gyre out in our ocean. This is the North Pacific gyre it is bigger than the state of Texas!!!!!!

  This is also the North Pacific gyre.

   There are many ways to help reduce your waste and plastic consumption! You can take a reusable bottle to work and keep many in your house. You may think that the reusable bottles are expensive but you end up paying less for you reusable water bottle than you do for your plastic one. 

Let's Get Started

    I know all people want to go green, but people don't know where to start. All you need are a few simple easy tips to get started. In this blog I will show you how to go green by posting tips everyday.